The definition of a vCard in form of a dictionary of properties.


const vCard = {
kind: Kind.Individual,
fullName: "Jane Doe",
name: {
familyName: "Doe",
givenName: "John",
email: ""
phone: [
{ value: "123456789", parameters: { type: "home" } },
{ value: "987654321", parameters: { type: "work" } },


Implemented by


abLabel?: ABLabelProperty
address?: AddressProperty
anniversary?: AnniversaryProperty
birthPlace?: BirthPlaceProperty
birthday?: BirthdayProperty
calendarAddressUri?: CalendarAddressUriProperty
calendarUri?: CalendarUriProperty
categories?: CategoriesProperty
contactUri?: ContactUriProperty
deathDate?: DeathDateProperty
deathPlace?: DeathPlaceProperty
depiction?: DepictionProperty
expertise?: ExpertiseProperty
geoLocation?: GeoLocationProperty
interest?: InterestProperty
language?: LanguageProperty
nickName?: NickNameProperty
orgDirectory?: OrgDirectoryProperty
organization?: OrganizationProperty
productId?: ProductIdProperty
related?: RelatedProperty
revision?: RevisionProperty
socialCode?: SocialCodeProperty
socialProfile?: SocialProfileProperty
timezone?: TimezoneProperty
version?: VersionProperty

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