The simplest method is using the default exported generateVCard function:

import generateVCard, { Kind } from "generate-vcard";

const vCard = generateVCard({
kind: Kind.Individual,
fullName: "Jane Doe",

When using parameters, these can be specified by using an object in the form of { value; parameters; }:

const vCard = generateVCard({
kind: Kind.Individual,
fullName: { value: "Jane Doe", parameters: { language: "en-us" }},

This offers good typing support as the allowed properties are strictly typed, however the declaration still allows for some flexibility. As such properties with a cardinality of * (0 or more) or 1* (1 or more), can be supplied as an Array of objects in the form shown above, or by using a { values; commonParameters?; } notation.

const vCard = generateVCard({
kind: Kind.Individual,
fullName: [
{ value: "Jane Doe", parameters: { language: "en-us" }},
{ value: "Max Mustermann", parameters: { language: "de-de" }},
nickName: { commonParameters: { value: "text" }, values: ["Nick", "Name"] }

For a more flexible approach, see Functional / Array based approach

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